Learn how DobiDoo Laundry weather through pandemic through Laundro in 2019

Meet DobiDoo Laundry

DobiDoo Laundry is a self-service launderette which is located in various places around Selangor. For more than 5 years they have provided access to families a comfortable and clean space to do their washing. They believe the surroundings you live in should be a reflection of who you are. Their goal is to provide the most helpful, personal and convenient service possible to their customers.


DobiDoo Laundry was struggling to provide alternative payment options and an effective management system across their stores. As a result they spend a lot of time operating and managing their stores. Furthermore with just a single payment method on their machine, any downtime on machines causes loss of business. They needed a way to enable alternative payment methods and effectively manage their stores.

DobiDoo Laundry with Laundro 


Laundro allows DobiDoo Laundry to enable ewallet payment as an alternative on top of their current coin-based payment. Thanks to Laundro, the business can increase their sales channel for their customers. Laundro also provides insight regarding the sales and inventory to DobiDoo Laundry allowing them to manage their resources in a more efficient manner.

Laundro has helped DobiDoo Laundry to generate a 20% 1st month of Enabling Ewallet payment higher average order value with the addition payment option [1]. Their goal of enabling alternative payment options and effectively managing their outlet for the operation is now simpler to achieve than ever. As a result they have seen a return of investment (ROI) of 200% Investment Cost per day to Sales from ewallet per day [2].

  1. 1st month of Enabling Ewallet payment ↩︎

  2. Investment Cost per day to Sales from ewallet per day ↩︎